Its base application registry that holds all regular modules and global bindings. Only one instance of container can be created per application.
Module is a primary architectural unit of the application.
It provides factories with a special binding key which can resolve and produce any type of entities (user-defined services).
It can export binding to another module, which imports it.
There are three types of modules:
Regular Module (Module)
This type of module is used to define primary application logic. Instance (as well as setup) of it is creating only one time per application. Can import other modules and export global and local bindings.
Dynamic Module (DynamicModule)
This type of module is creating and booting every time when it's imported. Used to define entities, that will be unique for each module's import.
For example, this module can create multiple connections do different databases, filesystems, providing module-scoped entities (like logger, which show an importer module name in log entries) or providing defining data references (registering http controllers, event consumers, etc.).
Fiber Module (FiberModule)
This is a lightweight and garbage collector safe module type that can be used to proxy existed module bindings. It Can be used to provide dependencies for some unitary jobs, like handling http request, event or queue message.
Binding Key
Binding key is a key for a factory that can produce some entity. It can be a string, a symbol or a class/constructor (basically a function).
Factory is a class, which produces entities according to options, inject stack, etc. Factory can utilize a singleton pattern or work as a regular factory.
There is different types of factories: regular (just a function), class (includes constructor a property DI mechanism) and custom (you can make your own factory).
Factories, as well as bind/provide methods, are separated to sync and async variant. If your entity and its dependencies do not require async initialisation, you should use sync variant to speed up an initialization process.
Entity is user defined result of factory invocation, it can be anything: a class instance, a function, a string/int/boolean, etc.