Minimal example
Small as possible working setup for a basic hello world app.
import 'reflect-metadata'
import {Container, Module} from '@silvertree/core'
// creating a module
class AppModule extends Module {
async setup() {
// setup method called one time when the module is registered.
// so, print something to the console.
console.log('Hello world')
// initialization cycle of the whole app is async.
// only esm modules supports top level await.
// this variant will work with both esm and cjs.
async function start() {
// create a container and register a module.
// module's `setup` method will be called and awaited.
const c = await Container.make().registerBatch([
// start a thing!
Basic example
A bit more complex example with a module that has a service.
import 'reflect-metadata'
import {Container, Module} from '@silvertree/core'
// creating a module.
class AppModule extends Module {
async setup() {
`this.bind` is a helper binding manager
to create and bind factories to the module.
here we are binding a singleton class factory
and exporting it to the global to be able
to access it outside the module.
.export({global: true})
creating a service class.
constructor of this class will be consumed by a singleton class factory
this factory will produce an entity (instance of this class) only when
it will be requested and will store it for later usage (singleton).
class AppService {
// just regular method with user specific name and logic.
async hello() {
console.log('Hello world')
async function start() {
const c = await Container.make().registerBatch([
because we exported the factory to the global
we can access it right from container provide call.
we using `provideAsync` because the factory is async
you can use `syncSingletonClass` instread of `singletonClass`.
in this you can use `c.provideSync(AppService)` and get rid of await.
const svc = await c.provideAsync(AppService)
// and call the method, nothing special from here.
svc.hello() // $> Hello world