Simple http server
This example shows how to create a simple http server.
import 'reflect-metadata'
import {Container, Inject, Module} from '@silvertree/core'
import {InjectLogger, Logger, LoggerModule, LoggerRootModule} from '@silvertree/logging'
import {HttpControllerSetup, HttpModule, HttpRootModule, HttpRoute, InjectHttpServer} from '@silvertree/http'
import {server} from 'typescript'
import {FastifyInstance} from 'fastify'
// simple service class to demonstrate dependency injection in controller
class AppService {
getSomeData() {
return 'Hello World'
controllers like other `this.bind.singletonClass` classes.
you may not bind them in the module manually,
it will be done automatically by the `HttpModule`
class AppController {
protected readonly appService!: AppService
protected readonly logger!: Logger
// create a route for GET / using a method decorator
@HttpRoute('GET', '/', {
// fastify route options, like schema, preHandler, erc
async index() {'We got a request!')
return await this.appService.getSomeData()
also, you can register routes, plugins, etc.
manually, by the traditional fastify's way,
all features of silvertree will work as expected
async setupMyServer(
@InjectHttpServer() server: FastifyInstance,
) {
server.get('/hi', async (req, res) => {
return 'Hello!'
class AppModule extends Module {
async setup() {
await this.import([
controllers: [
passing here all out controllers.
they will be constructed only when the http server is started
{controller: AppController},
async function start() {
const c = await Container.make().registerBatch([
getting a http server manager and start the server.
this action cause the construction of all controllers
and its dependent entities
const svc = await c.provideAsync('http:service:default')
await svc.startHttpServer()
You will see the following output:
2023-12-12T10:33:48.011Z (HttpRootModule) info: Server listening at
Feel free to open http://localhost:8000 and http://localhost:8000/hi in your browser.